Lompoc附近1号公路于星期一发生车祸,一名摩托车手严重受伤后关闭。 Highway 1 near Lompoc closed after a motorcyclist was severely injured in a crash on Monday.
星期一晚上6点左右,在加利福尼亚Lompoc附近的1号公路坠毁,一名摩托车手受重伤。 A motorcyclist was severely injured in a crash on Highway 1 near Lompoc, California, on Monday evening around 6 p.m. 公路被关闭了约30分钟,急救服务由骑手负责,骑手被空运到Santa Barbara Cottage医院。 The highway was closed for about 30 minutes while emergency services attended to the rider, who was airlifted to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. 加州公路巡警仍在调查坠机的确切原因。 The exact cause of the crash is still under investigation by the California Highway Patrol.