在加拿大开展低成本高效益的比特币采矿作业,可通过象征性物获得,消防Token发射预售。 Fire Token launches presale for a cost-effective Bitcoin mining operation in Canada, accessible via tokens.
Fire Token已经为其在加拿大象征性的比特币采矿作业启动了预售活动,目的是实现成本效益最高的目标,电费为每千瓦小时0.65美元。 Fire Token has launched a presale for its tokenized Bitcoin mining operation in Canada, aiming to be the most cost-effective with electricity rates at $0.065 per kilowatt-hour. 参与者不需要采矿设备或专业知识;他们获得火币,代表采矿产量的份额. Participants don't need mining equipment or expertise; they receive Fire Tokens representing a share in the mining output. 该项目基于加拿大的低能源成本和监管清晰度,接受BNB的捐助。 Based in Canada for its low energy costs and regulatory clarity, the project accepts contributions in BNB.