芬兰的通货膨胀率在12月达到四年来的最低点,即0.7%,这是由较低的住房和能源成本驱动的。 Finland's inflation rate hits a four-year low of 0.7% in December, driven by lower housing and energy costs.
芬兰的消费物价通胀率在2024年12月降至0.7%,是四年来最低的,因为住房贷款利率较低,电费降低。 Finland's consumer price inflation dropped to 0.7% in December 2024, its lowest in four years, due to lower housing loan interest rates and reduced electricity costs. 这一下降是继公用事业、服装和食品价格增长放慢的趋势之后发生的。 This decrease follows a trend of slowing price growth in utilities, clothing, and food. 2024年的年平均通货膨胀率为1.6%,食品和非酒精饮料的价格增幅最小。 The annual average inflation for 2024 was 1.6%, with the smallest price increase seen in food and non-alcoholic beverages.