加利福尼亚州长Newsom发布野火事实网站; California Governor Newsom launches wildfire facts website; critics call it a PR move.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom推出了一个新网站,旨在提供有关该州野火的事实。 California Governor Gavin Newsom launched a new website aimed at providing facts about wildfires in the state. 批评者认为网站有偏见, 更像是公关工具, 保护政府免受批评, 而非提供中立信息, Critics argue the site is biased and serves more as a PR tool to protect his administration from criticism rather than offering neutral information. 该网站的重点是联邦政策和气候变化,它们是火灾严重性的关键因素,淡化了州和地方的作用。 The website focuses on federal policies and climate change as key factors in the severity of fires, downplaying state and local roles.