巴尔的摩检察官支持减轻Adnan Syed的刑期, Baltimore prosecutors support reducing Adnan Syed's sentence, potentially freeing him indefinitely.
巴尔的摩检察官支持阿德南·赛义德的请求,将他的刑期减为服刑时间,有可能允许他无限期地自由。 Baltimore prosecutors have supported Adnan Syed's request to reduce his sentence to time served, potentially allowing him to remain free indefinitely. Syed在其高中前女友Hae Min Lee于1999年被谋杀后被推翻,于2022年获释,但她家人的质疑导致他的定罪被恢复。 Syed was released in 2022 after his 1999 murder conviction of his high school ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, was overturned, but her family's challenges led to his conviction being reinstated. 根据马里兰州《少年恢复法》,犯罪时17岁的Syed正在争取在20年监禁后获释。 Under Maryland's Juvenile Restoration Act, Syed, who was 17 at the time of the crime, is seeking release after 20 years in prison. 检察官认为减刑是“有利于正义的”, 指出他的康复, Prosecutors argue the reduction is "in the interest of justice," noting his rehabilitation, though they do not take a stance on his conviction.