澳大利亚消费者信心略微下降,但降低利率的前景仍然乐观。 Australian consumer confidence slightly drops, but outlook for interest rate cuts remains optimistic.
澳大利亚消费者信心略有下降,Westpac-Melbourne研究所的调查显示,澳大利亚消费者信心下降0.7%,使指数降至92.1。 Australian consumer confidence has fallen slightly, with the Westpac-Melbourne Institute survey showing a 0.7% decline, bringing the index to 92.1. 尽管与去年相比,消费者感觉更糟,但消费者对未来更加乐观。 Despite feeling worse off compared to last year, consumers are more optimistic about the future. 经济学家预计,今后几个月将降低利率,这可能会进一步激起人们的情绪。 Economists anticipate interest rate cuts in the coming months, which could further boost sentiment. 但是,有一个风险 早期降低利率可能导致 额外的通货膨胀压力。 However, there's a risk that early rate cuts could lead to additional inflationary pressure.