联合王国和毛里求斯在查戈斯群岛接近交易,英国在批评中租赁关键的军事基地。 UK and Mauritius near deal on Chagos Islands, with UK leasing key military base amid criticism.
联合王国和毛里求斯在关于查戈斯群岛的谈判方面取得了显著进展,目的是在美国总统就职前完成一项协议。 The UK and Mauritius have made significant progress in negotiations over the Chagos Islands, aiming to finalize a deal before the U.S. presidential inauguration. 会谈的重点是将主权移交给毛里求斯,而英国则将具有战略重要性的迪戈加西亚军事基地租用99年。 The talks focus on transferring sovereignty to Mauritius while Britain leases the strategically important Diego Garcia military base for 99 years. 该协议面临来自美国和一些英国政客的批评,他们担心该协议会危及安全并造成数十亿美元的损失。 The deal faces criticism from the U.S. and some UK politicians who worry it could compromise security and cost billions. 《金融时报》估计,租约每年可能耗资约9 000万英镑。 The Financial Times estimates the lease could cost around £90 million annually.