土耳其的经常账户余额在11月转为赤字,结束了五个月的顺差。 Turkey's current account balance shifted to a deficit in November, ending a five-month surplus.
土耳其的经常账户余额从10月的18.8亿美元的盈余转向2024年11月的28.7亿美元的赤字,结束了5个月的盈余。 Turkey's current account balance shifted from a surplus of $1.88 billion in October to a deficit of $2.87 billion in November 2024, ending a five-month surplus. 这一变化部分归因于中央银行紧缩的货币政策,经济学家预计2024年赤字会下降。 This change, attributed partly to the central bank's tight monetary policy, has economists expecting the deficit to fall in 2024. 专家Ferhat Pehlivanoğlu博士警告说,必须进行结构改革,包括减少对能源进口的依赖,促进国内投资和旅游业。 Expert Dr. Ferhat Pehlivanoğlu warns of the need for structural reforms, including reducing energy import dependence and boosting domestic investment and tourism.