土耳其的贸易差距在10月下降到59亿美元,比去年同期下降了30.1%。 Turkey's trade gap fell to $5.9 billion in October, a 30.1% drop from the same period last year.
土耳其的贸易差距在2024年10月缩小,从一年前的66亿美元下降到59亿美元,原因是出口增加3.1%,进口稳定。 Turkey's trade gap narrowed in October 2024, dropping to $5.9 billion from $6.6 billion a year earlier, due to a 3.1% rise in exports and stable imports. 对主要伙伴德国、美国、联合王国、伊拉克和意大利的出口增加,而进口保持不变。 Exports to the top partners—Germany, the USA, UK, Iraq, and Italy—increased, while imports remained unchanged. 2024年头十个月的贸易赤字为65.85亿美元,比2023年同期下降30.1%。 The trade deficit for the first ten months of 2024 was $65.85 billion, a 30.1% drop from the same period in 2023.