土耳其经常账户盈余在10月降至1.88B美元,表明经济挑战。 Turkey's current account surplus dropped to $1.88B in October, signaling economic challenges.
土耳其的经常账户盈余从9月的30.1亿美元降至10月的18.8亿美元。 Turkey's current account surplus fell to $1.88 billion in October from $3.01 billion in September. 这一下降的驱动力是货物贸易赤字增加和服务贸易盈余减少。 This decline was driven by a larger trade deficit in goods and a reduced surplus in services trade. 资本账户和金融账户也出现更大的赤字,这表明在保持进口、出口和外国投资之间的平衡方面存在挑战。 The capital and financial account also showed wider deficits, indicating challenges in maintaining balance between imports, exports, and foreign investment.