嫌疑人在阿拉巴马州卡莱拉逃避警察时将车辆撞入后院后被捕。 Suspect arrested after crashing vehicle into backyard while evading police in Calera, Alabama.
一名男子在阿拉巴马州卡莱拉被捕,因为他在躲避警察时将车辆撞入后院。 A man was arrested in Calera, Alabama, after crashing his vehicle into a backyard while evading police. 多家机构参与了追逐行动,结果嫌疑人失去了对汽车的控制,损坏了一辆护栏、栅栏和空调装置。 Multiple agencies were involved in the chase which ended when the suspect lost control of his car, damaging a guardrail, fence, and AC unit. 他徒步逃跑,但被发现躲在附近的灌木丛中。 He fled on foot but was caught hiding in bushes nearby. 嫌犯拒绝接受治疗,被阿拉巴斯特警察局拘留。 The suspect refused medical treatment and was taken into custody by the Alabaster Police Department. 有关追逐的最初原因的详细信息尚不清楚。 Details about the initial cause of the chase are not available.