在内华达州的斯帕克斯, Junior Tuamoheloa在高速追逐后被捕, 这场追逐涉及撞车和撞墙。 In Sparks, Nevada, Junior Tuamoheloa was arrested after a high-speed chase that involved hitting cars and crashing into a wall.
在内华达州斯帕克斯的高速追逐中,在Junior Tuamoheloa逃离警察、撞多辆汽车和撞入墙壁之后,他被捕。 A high-speed chase in Sparks, Nevada, ended with the arrest of Junior Tuamoheloa after he fled from police, hitting multiple cars and crashing into a wall. 追逐开始于图阿莫赫洛(Tuamoheloa)未能停留在交通站, 鲁莽地开车, The chase started when Tuamoheloa failed to stop for a traffic stop and drove recklessly, running red lights and hitting parked cars. Tuamoheloa被控用致命武器殴打、鲁莽驾驶、在影响下驾驶和持有毒品配方。 Tuamoheloa was charged with battery with a deadly weapon, reckless driving, driving under the influence, and possession of drug paraphernalia. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported.