南牛津郡发行了60 000英镑的赠款,用于社区艺术项目,以提高当地福祉。 South Oxfordshire launches £60,000 grant for community arts projects to enhance local wellbeing.
南牛津郡区议会于2月3日启动一项60,000英镑的赠款计划,供社区团体、学校和地方议会使用,以促进增进社区福祉的文化项目。 South Oxfordshire District Council is launching a £60,000 grant scheme on February 3 for community groups, schools, and local councils to boost cultural projects that enhance community wellbeing. 赠款从500英镑到5 000英镑不等,支持促进包容性、发展当地人才和吸引新受众参与的艺术举措。 Grants range from £500 to £5,000 and support arts initiatives that foster inclusivity, develop local talent, and engage new audiences. 定于1月23日在Watlington市政厅举办一次筹资咨询活动。 A funding advice event is scheduled for January 23 at Watlington Town Hall.