2025年,由CASP资助的6个当地艺术项目中,上猎人艺术拨款17 000美元。 Arts Upper Hunter allocates $17,000 for six local arts projects in 2025, funded by CASP.
艺术上猎人已拨款17,000美元给六个地方组织的艺术项目在2025年,由国家艺术支持计划 (CASP) 资助. Arts Upper Hunter has allocated $17,000 to six local organizations for arts projects in 2025, funded by the Country Arts Support Program (CASP). 接受者包括Glen William公立学校、Murrurundi艺术和手工艺委员会、Scone邻里资源中心、Singron Quilters、Singleton理事会和上猎人希尔理事会。 Recipients include Glen William Public School, Murrurundi Arts & Crafts Council, Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Singleton Quilters, Singleton Council, and Upper Hunter Shire Council. 项目范围广泛,从讲习班和缝纫班到壁画和社区活动,让所有年龄组都参与。 Projects range from workshops and quilting sessions to murals and community events, engaging all age groups.