提议设立一个解决无家可归和吸毒成瘾问题的新中心,目的是提供更好的支助和资源。 A new hub to tackle homelessness and addictions is proposed, aiming to provide better support and resources.
提议设立一个解决无家可归和吸毒上瘾问题的新中心,以便更好地为有需要的人服务。 A new hub for addressing homelessness and addictions is proposed to better serve those in need. 该倡议旨在为面临这些挑战的个人提供全面支持和资源,以改善他们的生活质量和融入社会。 The initiative aims to provide comprehensive support and resources for individuals facing these challenges, aiming to improve their quality of life and integration into society. 关于筹资和执行的细节仍在讨论中。 Details on funding and implementation are still being discussed.