Shein是36bn的快时装巨人, 面对五千家广州工厂的劳工问题。 Shein, a £36bn fast-fashion giant, faces labor concerns in its 5,000 Guangzhou factories.
Shein是一个快速时装巨人, 价值约36bn英镑, 依赖中国广州五千家工厂, Shein, a fast-fashion giant valued at about £36bn, relies on 5,000 factories in Guangzhou, China, known as the "Shein village." 那里的工人通常每周工作75小时,超过了法定限制。 Workers there typically put in 75-hour weeks, exceeding legal limits. 尽管有人指控存在童工和强迫劳动(Shein否认这一点),但该公司增长迅速,超过H&M和Zara等竞争者。 Despite allegations of child and forced labor, which Shein denies, the company has grown rapidly, surpassing competitors like H&M and Zara. 工厂全天候运作,工资按所生产物品的数量和复杂程度计算。 The factories operate 24/7, with pay based on the number and complexity of items produced.