科学家开发一种新的工具,在人体细胞中建立定制电路,以便发现和应对疾病。 Scientists develop a new tool to create custom circuits in human cells for detecting and responding to diseases.
水稻大学的研究人员为在人体细胞中建立能够检测和应对疾病的定制电路创造了新的工具。 Researchers at Rice University have created a new tool for building custom circuits in human cells that can detect and respond to disease. 合成生物学的这一突破,发表在《科学》中,使用磷酸盐这一天然细胞过程,有可能使诸如自发免疫条件和癌症等复杂疾病的治疗发生革命性变化。 This breakthrough in synthetic biology, published in Science, uses phosphorylation, a natural cell process, to potentially revolutionize treatments for complex diseases like autoimmune conditions and cancer. 这项工作可能导致“智能细胞”创新的猛增。 The work could lead to a surge in "smart cell" innovations.