Ori生物技术与Charles River合作,利用IRO平台加强细胞和基因疗法制造,改善CAR-T结果。 Ori Biotech partners with Charles River to enhance cell and gene therapy manufacturing using its IRO platform, improving CAR-T outcomes.
Ori Biotech 与 Charles River Laboratories 合作,使用 Ori 的 IRO® 平台加强细胞和基因疗法的生产。 Ori Biotech has partnered with Charles River Laboratories to enhance cell and gene therapy manufacturing using Ori's IRO® platform. 这一合作表明,国际红十字组织平台的绩效超过了传统的CAR-T制造方法,在较短的时间内提高了CAR+的表达和细胞产量。 This collaboration demonstrated that the IRO platform outperformed traditional CAR-T manufacturing methods, achieving higher CAR+ expression and cell yields in a shorter timeframe. 该伙伴关系旨在精简发展进程,有可能降低为病人提供治疗的费用和时限。 The partnership aims to streamline the development process, potentially reducing costs and timelines for bringing therapies to patients.