在J.P.摩根会议上,Tevogen Bio主持关于AI在生物制药创新中的作用的小组讨论。 Tevogen Bio hosts panel on AI's role in biopharma innovation at J.P. Morgan conference.
2025年1月13日, 一家专注于免疫疗法的生物技术公司Tevogen Bio将在旧金山J. P. Morgan健康保健会议上主办一个小组讨论会。 Tevogen Bio, a biotech company focused on immunotherapies, will host a panel at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco on January 13, 2025. 题为“生物药业的AI:医学创新的下一个前沿”的小组讨论将讨论AI如何使药物发现发生革命性变化、加速发展、增加患者获得治疗的机会并降低成本。 The panel, titled "AI in Biopharma: Next Frontier of Medical Innovation," will discuss how AI can revolutionize drug discovery, speed up development, enhance patient access, and cut costs. 泰沃根,微软和Rubix Health的专家将探索人工智能在癌症和神经疾病等疾病中提升精确的T细胞疗法的作用. Experts from Tevogen, Microsoft, and Rubix Health will explore AI's role in advancing precision T cell therapies for diseases like cancer and neurological disorders.