西非作物受损导致可可价格上涨,可能使澳大利亚的巧克力更贵或更小。 Rising cocoa prices due to West African crop damage may make chocolate more expensive or smaller in Australia.
由于西非国家的作物受损,可可价格不断上涨,导致澳大利亚可能出现价格上扬和巧克力条体积缩小。 Cocoa prices are rising due to crop damage in West African countries, leading to potential price hikes and smaller sizes of chocolate bars in Australia. 当地制造商正在考虑采用各种战略,包括使用替代原料或将生产转移到海外,以应付成本的增加。 Local manufacturers are considering various strategies, including using substitute ingredients or moving production overseas, to cope with increased costs. 据国际可可组织称,这种情况可能使巧克力棒成为一种奢侈品。 This situation may make chocolate bars a luxury item, according to the International Cocoa Organisation.