以法律专业知识著称的印度知名律师Iqbal Chagla于86岁去世。 Renowned Indian lawyer Iqbal Chagla, known for his legal expertise, passed away at 86.
86岁的高级律师Iqbal Chagla在孟买患病后去世。 Senior Advocate Iqbal Chagla, 86, passed away in Mumbai after a period of illness. Chagla以其法律专长和诚信而著称,拒绝担任孟买高等法院和最高法院法官,以继续执业。 Known for his legal expertise and integrity, Chagla declined judgeship offers from the Bombay High Court and the Supreme Court to continue practicing law. 他三次担任孟买律师协会会长,是民事诉讼和公司法方面的杰出人物。 He served as president of the Bombay Bar Association three times and was a prominent figure in civil litigation and company law. Chagla是孟买高等法院第一任印度首席大法官的儿子,因他在法律领域的献身精神和杰出成就而备受缅怀,他激励了几代律师。 Chagla, the son of the first Indian Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court, is remembered for his dedication and excellence in the legal field, inspiring generations of lawyers. 他的葬礼定于 2025年1月13日在孟买举行 His funeral is set for January 13, 2025, in Mumbai.