著名法学家、最高法院辩护律师法利·S·纳里曼 (Fali S Nariman) 去世。 Renowned jurist and Supreme Court advocate Fali S Nariman passed away.
著名法学家、最高法院资深律师 Fali S Nariman 去世,享年 95 岁。 Renowned jurist and senior Supreme Court advocate Fali S Nariman passed away at the age of 95. 纳里曼拥有 70 多年的法律职业生涯,在博帕尔煤气惨案和 TMA Pai 案等多个具有里程碑意义的案件中发挥了重要作用。 Nariman, who had a legal career spanning over 70 years, played a significant role in arguing several landmark cases, such as the Bhopal gas tragedy case and the TMA Pai case. 总理纳伦德拉·莫迪和印度首席大法官钱德拉楚德对他的去世表示哀悼,莫迪总理将纳里曼描述为最“杰出的法律头脑”之一,他一生致力于让普通公民伸张正义。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud expressed their grief over his demise, with PM Modi describing Nariman as one of the most "outstanding legal minds" who devoted his life to making justice accessible to common citizens.