孟加拉国前首席大法官Mohammad Fazlul Karim于81岁去世;最高法院中止了为维护名誉而进行的运作。 Former Bangladesh Chief Justice Mohammad Fazlul Karim died at 81; Supreme Court suspended operations in honor.
孟加拉国前首席法官Mohammad Fazlul Karim于81岁去世。 Former Chief Justice of Bangladesh, Mohammad Fazlul Karim, passed away at 81. 他于下午1时30分举行葬礼祷告,最高法院于星期日中止了一切司法职能,以纪念他。 His funeral prayer was held at 1:30 PM, and the Supreme Court suspended all judicial functions on Sunday in his honor. Karim在1964年从达卡大学获得法学士学位后,于1965年开始其法律生涯。 Karim began his legal career in 1965 after earning his LLB from Dhaka University in 1964. 他于1992年成为高等法院法官,并于2001年成为上诉法院法官。 He became a judge of the High Court in 1992 and the Appellate Division in 2001. 领导人向他的家人表示深切的悲痛和哀悼。 Leaders expressed deep sorrow and extended condolences to his family.