飞行员在飞机起落装置失灵后 能在橙色机场安全紧急降落 Pilot makes safe emergency landing at Orange Airport after plane's landing gear fails.
一架装有起落架的飞机于星期日上午9时30分左右在马萨诸塞州奥兰治机场安全紧急降落。 A plane with landing gear issues made a safe emergency landing at Orange Airport, Massachusetts, on Sunday morning around 9:30 a.m. 飞行员巧妙地将飞机降落在草地上,没有受伤、燃油泄漏或重大损坏。 The pilot skillfully landed the plane on the grass without any injuries, fuel leaks, or significant damage. 机场官员从费奇堡机场向第一反应人员发出警报,奥兰治机场工作人员和消防员为降落做好准备。 Airport officials alerted first responders from Fitchburg Airport, and Orange's airport staff and firefighters were prepared for the landing.