小飞机在引擎故障后紧急降落在橙色林区;飞行员和乘客没有受伤。 Small plane makes emergency landing in orange grove after engine trouble; pilot and passenger uninjured.
一架小型飞机在12月19日从梅萨的猎场机场起飞后不久发生发动机故障,导致飞行员在附近的林中紧急降落. A small plane experienced engine trouble shortly after takeoff from Mesa's Falcon Field Airport on December 19, leading the pilot to make an emergency landing in a nearby orange grove. 飞机撞到树桩,造成重大损坏,但驾驶员和乘客均逃出,没有受伤。 The plane hit a tree stump, causing significant damage, but both the pilot and passenger escaped without injuries. FAA和NTSB正在调查这起事件。 The FAA and NTSB are investigating the incident.