菲律宾证交会要求上市公司披露审计费用,从而提高透明度。 Philippine SEC mandates disclosure of auditor fees by listed companies, enhancing transparency.
菲律宾证券和交易委员会(证交会)采用了新的规则,要求上市公司披露支付给外部审计员的费用,提高透明度和加强问责制。 The Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced new rules requiring publicly listed companies to disclose fees paid to external auditors, enhancing transparency and accountability. 所涉公司必须自2024年12月31日终了期间起,在其年度财务报表中列入这一信息,以两年期比较格式列报费用。 Covered companies must include this information in their annual financial statements starting from the period ending December 31, 2024, presenting fees in a two-year comparative format. 不遵守可能会导致处罚。 Non-compliance could result in penalties.