美国国家电网在Devizes附近的电柱拆除将A361的限速降至每小时30英里, National Grid's pylon removal near Devizes lowers A361 speed limit to 30mph, causing delays.
国家电网正在拆除13个电塔,到2026年,在Devize附近用地下电缆取代4.6公里高空线。 National Grid is removing 13 electricity pylons and replacing 4.6 km of overhead lines with underground cables near Devizes by 2026. 为此,通往斯温顿的A361双车道的车速限制已降至30英里,一条车道关闭至1月24日。 To facilitate this, the speed limit on the A361 dual carriageway towards Swindon has been lowered to 30mph, with one lane closed until January 24. 由于据报发生公路撞车事件,速度限制预计到1月29日才会降低,司机应预期会延误。 The speed limit reduction, due to a reported road bump, is expected until January 29, and drivers should expect delays.