260M镑升级后,联合王国在M6上提升了50mph的限值,将速度提高到70mph,并增加了安全性能。 UK lifts 50mph limit on M6 after £260M upgrade, boosting speed to 70mph and adding safety features.
联合王国M6高速公路7英里长的50厘米速度限制已经解除,经过2.6亿英镑的升级后又恢复到7000厘米。 The 50mph speed limit on a seven-mile stretch of the M6 motorway in the UK has been lifted, returning to 70mph after a £260 million upgrade. 为期三年半的项目增加了双向双向额外通道,并引入了安全特征,如拦截车辆探测技术。 The three-and-a-half-year project added an extra lane in both directions and introduced safety features like stopped vehicle detection technology. 升级的目的是提高路线每日用户的旅程时间和可靠性。 This upgrade aims to improve journey times and reliability for daily users of the route.