金卡戴珊敦促加州州长提高低薪消防员的薪水。 Kim Kardashian urges California governor to raise pay for low-waged incarcerated firefighters.
真实电视明星Kim Kardashian呼吁加州州长Gavin Newsom 提高囚犯消防员与洛杉矶野火作战的薪水。 Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has called on California Governor Gavin Newsom to increase the pay of incarcerated firefighters battling the Los Angeles wildfires. 这些消防员自1984年以来每小时仅挣1美元,他们冒着生命危险拯救生命和财产。 These firefighters, who earn just $1 an hour since 1984, are risking their lives to save lives and property. Kardashian赞扬了他们的努力,并敦促提高工资,以表彰他们的英勇行动。 Kardashian praised their efforts and urged for a pay raise to recognize their heroic actions. 她还感谢文图拉培训中心,该中心培训以前被监禁的个人成为消防员,有可能使他们能够在消防部门获得6位数的工作。 She also thanked the Ventura Training Center, which trains formerly incarcerated individuals to become firefighters, potentially allowing them to secure six-figure jobs in fire departments.