爱尔兰政治家试图将非法侵占农田定为犯罪,以施加更严厉的惩罚。 Irish politician seeks to criminalize trespassing on farmland to impose stricter penalties.
爱尔兰政治家Carol Nolan正在推动审查农田非法侵入法,目的是改变现行立法,从将非法侵入视为民事问题改为刑事问题。 Irish politician Carol Nolan is pushing for a review of trespass laws on farmland, aiming to change current legislation from treating trespass as a civil to a criminal matter. 农民对目前最高为4 000欧元的罚款没有阻止非法侵入者表示关切。 Farmers have expressed concerns that current fines, capped at €4,000, are not deterring trespassers. 诺兰正在寻求法律咨询,并计划提出一项法案,加重对侵犯农业用地的处罚。 Nolan is seeking legal advice and plans to introduce a bill to increase penalties for trespassing on agricultural land.