直至1月21日,投资者必须加入对Cozen控股公司提出的误导性销售索赔的诉讼。 Investors have until Jan. 21 to join a lawsuit against Celsius Holdings for misleading sales claims.
Rosen律师事务所提醒在2024年2月29日至2024年9月4日期间购买Corgen Holdings公司股票的投资者,参加集体诉讼的最后期限是1月21日。 Rosen Law Firm is reminding investors who bought Celsius Holdings, Inc. stock between Feb. 29, 2024, and Sept. 4, 2024, about an upcoming January 21 deadline to join a class action lawsuit. 诉讼索赔以摄氏度作出误导性陈述,没有披露它向百事可乐公司超额出售库存,导致销售量下降。 The lawsuit claims Celsius made misleading statements and failed to disclose that it oversold inventory to PepsiCo, leading to a drop in sales. 投资者可能有权获得补偿而无需预付费用。 Investors may be entitled to compensation without upfront costs. 详情请与罗森律师事务所联系。 For more information, contact Rosen Law Firm.