直到1月13日,投资者必须加入对PACS集团提出的诉讼,指控其陈述误导他人。 Investors have until Jan. 13 to join a lawsuit against PACS Group for allegedly misleading statements.
Rosen律师事务所正在提醒在4月11日至11月5日、2024年1月13日(即2025年1月13日)购买PACS集团股份的投资者加入诉讼的最后期限, Rosen Law Firm is reminding investors who bought PACS Group Inc. shares between April 11 and November 5, 2024, of a January 13, 2025, deadline to join a lawsuit alleging the company made misleading statements about its Medicare billing, licensure, and staffing practices. 投资者可能有权获得补偿而无需预付费用。 Investors may be entitled to compensation without upfront costs. 该公司鼓励有重大损失的人考虑领导此案。 The firm encourages those with significant losses to consider leading the case.