Rosen律师事务所调查Silvaco集团和灯光与奇迹公司投资者因股票下跌可能提起的集体诉讼。 Rosen Law Firm investigates potential class action lawsuits for investors in Silvaco Group and Light & Wonder over stock drops.
Rosen Law Corporation正在调查Silvaco Group股份有限公司股东可能提出的证券索赔,因为该公司提供了经过修订和可能误导的商业信息,导致股票大幅下跌。 Rosen Law Firm is investigating potential securities claims for shareholders of Silvaco Group, Inc., after the company provided revised and potentially misleading business information, leading to a significant stock drop. 该公司正在准备一项集体诉讼,为可能遭受损失的投资者寻求赔偿。 The firm is preparing a class action to seek compensation for investors who may have suffered losses. 同样,Rosen Law Corporation也正在调查Light and Wonder, Inc.,因为有人指控商业信息有误导性,而且根据法律禁令股票下跌。 Similarly, Rosen Law Firm is also investigating Light & Wonder, Inc., following allegations of misleading business information and a stock decline after a legal injunction. 两家公司的投资者可能有权参加集体诉讼,以争取可能的恢复。 Investors in both companies may be entitled to join the class action for potential recovery.