五名男子因抢劫Grindr遇到的同性恋男子而入狱达17年,共计100 000英镑。 Five men jailed for up to 17 years for robbing gay men they met on Grindr, totaling £100,000.
Birmingham和Dederby的5名男子因利用约会App Grindr在10个月的时间里锁定和抢劫同性恋男子, Five men in Birmingham and Derby have been jailed for up to 17 years each for using the dating app Grindr to target and rob gay men over a 10-month period, stealing £100,000 in total. 帮派引诱受害者与他们见面,然后殴打和抢劫他们,一些受害者遭受严重伤害和心理创伤。 The gang lured victims to meet them, then assaulted and robbed them, with some victims suffering severe injuries and psychological trauma. 这些男子被判定犯有仇恨罪,并在伯明翰刑事法院被判刑。 The men were convicted of hate crimes and sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court.