在Keighley儿童虐待案中,8名男子被监禁58年;联合王国启动了1 000万英镑计划,打击诱骗团伙。 Eight men jailed for 58 years in Keighley child abuse case; UK launches £10M plan to tackle grooming gangs.
1990年代末期,8名男子在西约克郡Keighley因性虐待和强奸少女而被监禁近58年。 Eight men have been jailed for nearly 58 years for sexually abusing and raping young girls in Keighley, West Yorkshire, during the late 1990s. 该案突出表明,警察和社会服务部门未能保护受害者。 The case highlighted failures by police and social services to protect the victims. 在相关新闻中,联合王国政府启动了一项1 000万英镑的计划,以对付诱导帮派,包括由路易丝·凯西男爵夫人领导的新的调查和审查。 In related news, the UK government has launched a £10 million plan to tackle grooming gangs, including new inquiries and a review led by Baroness Louise Casey. 该计划鼓励重开寒冷案件,敦促受害者站出来。 The plan encourages reopening cold cases and urges victims to come forward.