14岁的Brisbane男孩被控在LGBTI 应用程序上使用假的约会资料进行抢劫。 14-year-old Brisbane boy charged for robberies using fake dating profile on an LGBTIQ+ app.
上个月,14岁的布里斯班男孩被指控犯有一系列抢劫和抢劫未遂罪,涉嫌在LGBTIQ+应用程序上使用虚假的约会资料来瞄准受害者,要求以欺诈和抢劫为由进行汇款。 14-year-old Brisbane boy charged for series of robberies and attempted robberies last month, allegedly using a fake dating profile on an LGBTIQ+ app to target victims, demanding money transfers for fraud and robbery. 被控多项欺诈、抢劫未遂和其他罪行,定于9月19日出庭。 Charged with multiple counts of fraud, attempted robbery, and other offenses, set to appear in court on 19 September. 警方建议在与网上平台的人面对面时, 实践网络安全和谨慎. Police advise practicing cyber-safety and caution when meeting people from online platforms in person.