消防员Sam O'Malley加入了Warwickshire消防救援服务,准备迎接挑战并拯救生命。 Firefighter Sam O'Malley joined Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, ready for challenges and saving lives.
Sam O'Malley, Warwickshire消防和救援服务三年老兵,26岁加入,为职业目的和长期机会服务。 Sam O'Malley, a three-year veteran of Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, joined at 26 for the career's purpose and long-term opportunities. 具有挑战性的征聘过程包括精神和身体测试。 The challenging recruitment process included mental and physical tests. O'Malley的职责从设备检查到应付火灾和碰撞等紧急情况。 O'Malley's duties range from equipment checks to responding to emergencies like fires and collisions. 他发现,当他能够预防灾害和拯救生命时,他的工作最有回报。 He finds his work most rewarding when he can prevent disasters and save lives. 新消防员的申请将很快开放。 Applications for new firefighters will open soon.