7 月 10 日,科吉斯霍尔下班消防员 Sam Hogwood 在一次交通事故后运用急救训练挽救了一名男子的生命。 Off-duty Coggeshall firefighter, Sam Hogwood, used first aid training to save a man's life after a road traffic collision on July 10.
7 月 10 日,科吉斯霍尔下班消防员 Sam Hogwood 利用其急救训练,在一次交通事故后挽救了一名男子的生命。 Off-duty Coggeshall firefighter, Sam Hogwood, used his first aid training to save a man's life after a road traffic collision on July 10. 霍格伍德是一名值班消防员,他第一个到达位于马克斯泰附近 A120 公路上的现场。 Hogwood, an on-call firefighter, was the first to arrive at the scene on the A120 near Marks Tey. 他为这名重伤男子进行了急救,该男子头部受伤严重,失去意识。 He provided first aid to the critically injured man, who had a serious head injury and was unresponsive. 埃塞克斯警察局和英格兰东部救护服务中心很快赶到,提供进一步援助。 Essex Police and the East of England Ambulance Service soon arrived to provide further assistance.