奥尔顿塔 (Alton Towers) 首次推出 Toxicator,这是一个新的 78 英尺上旋游乐设施,模拟在有毒酸上方的旋转,将于今年春天开放。 Alton Towers debuts Toxicator, a new 78ft topspin ride simulating a spin above toxic acid, opening this spring.
奥尔顿塔 (Alton Towers) 正在推出一种名为 Toxicator 的新游乐设施,这是一种 78 英尺高的上旋游乐设施,这将是英国首个此类游乐设施。 Alton Towers is introducing a new ride called Toxicator, a 78ft-tall topspin ride that will be the first of its kind in the UK. Toxicator 位于 Nemesis Reborn 旁边的禁忌谷,每小时可容纳 500 多名骑手,将他们背靠背旋转,并将他们脸朝下放在模拟的有毒外星酸池上方。 Located in Forbidden Valley next to Nemesis Reborn, Toxicator will accommodate over 500 riders per hour, spinning them back-to-back and holding them face down above a simulated pool of toxic alien acid. 于今年春天开张, 机票可供订票使用。 The ride is set to open this spring, and tickets are available for booking.