艾尔顿塔楼关闭了44年来的游乐设施"刀刃",并计划在2025年开设新的景点. Alton Towers closes its 44-year-old ride, The Blade, and plans a new attraction for 2025.
英国主题公园阿尔顿塔将在44年后关闭最古老的游乐设施"刀刃",并将在2025年在禁谷 (Forbidden Valley) 建造新的游乐设施. Alton Towers, a UK theme park, is closing its oldest ride, The Blade, after 44 years, and will replace it with a new attraction in the Forbidden Valley in 2025. 此外,7月关闭的奥尔顿铁塔地下城明年不会重新开放。 Additionally, the Alton Towers Dungeon, which closed in July, will not reopen next year. 公园的重点是重新塑造其路线,为游客提供世界级的搭乘和体验。 The park is focusing on reinventing its lineup to offer world-class rides and experiences for visitors.