一辆半卡车在一辆雪地印地安那托尔路的SUV冲出来后撞上他,一名19岁儿童受重伤。 A 19-year-old was seriously injured when a semi-truck hit him after his SUV spun out on a snowy Indiana Toll Road.
伊利诺伊州Frankfort的一名19岁青年在星期五晚上受重伤,当时他的SUV在印第安纳托尔公路上冲出,被一辆过路的半卡车击中。 A 19-year-old from Frankfort, Illinois, was seriously injured on Friday night when his SUV, which had spun out on the Indiana Toll Road, was hit by a passing semi-truck. 这一事件是在雪地条件下发生的,导致SUV在男子离开车辆时将他扔进沟渠中,将他击倒。 The incident occurred in snowy conditions, causing the SUV to strike the man as he exited his vehicle, throwing him into a ditch. 这位来自费城的64岁的半卡车司机没有受伤。 The semi-truck driver, a 64-year-old from Philadelphia, was not hurt. 下午8时后不久,该公路重新开放。 The road was reopened shortly after 8 p.m.