来自密苏里州圣查尔斯市的两名乘客在堪萨斯州西北部 70 号州际公路上因 SUV 后轮脱落而遭遇车祸,受重伤。 2 people from St. Charles, MO suffered serious injuries in a crash on Interstate 70 in northwest Kansas due to a rear tire coming off their SUV.
周日下午,堪萨斯州西北部 70 号州际公路上发生车祸,造成两名来自密苏里州圣查尔斯市的人员(一名 62 岁的男子和一名 64 岁的女子)重伤。 2 people, a 62-year-old man and a 64-year-old woman from St. Charles, Missouri, suffered serious injuries in a crash on Interstate 70 in northwest Kansas on Sunday afternoon. 该男子驾驶的是一辆 2011 款福特 Expedition,突然右后轮脱落,导致车辆失去控制。 The man was driving a 2011 Ford Expedition when the rear right tire came off the vehicle, causing him to lose control. 越野车旋转、翻倒,然后倒扣在南边的一条沟渠里。 The SUV spun, overturned, and stopped upside down in a south ditch. 两人均被送往当地一家医院。 Both were transported to a local hospital.