威斯康星州警告说,在由陶瓷加热器引起的车库火灾后,便携式加热器将面临风险。 Wisconsin warns of portable heater risks after a garage fire caused by a ceramic heater.
威斯康星州官员敦促谨慎使用便携式加热器, Wisconsin officials are urging caution with portable heaters after a recent garage fire in Portage caused by a ceramic heater. 1月10日爆发的火灾由多个部门的消防员迅速控制,限制车库的损坏,没有造成人员受伤。 The fire, which broke out on January 10th, was quickly contained by firefighters from multiple departments, limiting damage to the garage and causing no injuries. 这一事件突出表明,需要谨慎地使用供暖装置。 The incident highlights the need for careful use of heating devices.