火灾摧毁了威斯康星州的Merrill车库;房屋免遭重大损坏;原因正在调查中。 Fire destroys Merrill, Wisconsin, garage; house spared major damage; cause under investigation.
威斯康星州梅林尔的一辆车库大火摧毁了建筑物及其内装物,但离开附近房屋时仅发生外部热损伤。 A garage fire in Merrill, Wisconsin, destroyed the structure and its contents but left the nearby house with only exterior heat damage. 美林消防局面临人员有限、供水问题和寒冷天气等挑战,需要附近各省的相互援助。 The Merrill Fire Department faced challenges with limited personnel, water supply issues, and cold weather, requiring mutual aid from nearby departments. 两名警官接受了吸入烟雾的治疗,两名旁观者因干扰消防工作被捕。 Two police officers were treated for smoke inhalation, and two bystanders were arrested for interfering with firefighting efforts. 火灾原因正在调查中,但不被视为可疑。 The fire's cause is under investigation but is not considered suspicious.