昆士兰州谷物生产者Kurt Mayne通过采用澳大利亚土壤规划员的可持续做法和扩大作物种类,增加了25%的利润。 Kurt Mayne, Queensland grain producer, increased profits 25% by adopting sustainable practices from Australian Soil Planners and expanding crop types.
昆士兰的谷物和畜牧生产者Kurt Mayne在过去三年里通过采用澳大利亚土壤规划师(ASP)的可持续耕作做法,将他的粮食利润提高了25%。 Kurt Mayne, a grain and cattle producer in Queensland, has boosted his grain profits by 25% over the past three years by adopting sustainable farming practices from Australian Soil Planners (ASP). 他管理了6 070公顷土地,通过轮作作物和减少对合成肥料的依赖,提高了土壤肥力。 Managing 6,070 hectares, he improved soil fertility through crop rotation and reduced reliance on synthetic fertilizers. Mayne计划将经营范围扩大到4 000公顷,同时使Mungbeans, chickpeas和小麦等作物多样化,以提高利润和可持续性。 Mayne plans to expand his operation to 4,000 hectares while diversifying crops like mungbeans, chickpeas, and wheat to enhance profitability and sustainability.