西雅图哈兹马特小组对化学品警报作出反应,发现已死亡的人;区域短暂疏散。 Seattle hazmat team responds to chemical alert, finds deceased person; area evacuated briefly.
星期六晚上,西雅图消防局对东百老汇和詹姆斯街附近的危险物质警报作出反应,因为有报告说建筑物内有危险化学品。 On Saturday night, the Seattle Fire Department responded to a hazardous material alert near East Broadway and James Street, following a report of a dangerous chemical inside a building. 哈兹马特小组被叫来,附近街道被关闭,以保障安全。 The hazmat team was called in, and nearby streets were closed for safety. 里面发现了一个死者,并将现场交给警察。 A deceased person was found inside, and the scene was handed over to the police. 在监测空气质量后,居民被允许返回家园。 After monitoring the air quality, residents were allowed to return home.