Priceville警方在Tucker's Guns & Ammo寻找关于盗窃案的信息, Priceville police seek information on a burglary at Tucker's Guns & Ammo where two suspects stole firearms.
Priceville警察局正在寻找塔克枪械公司和Ammo在67号公路上发生盗窃案的信息。 此事发生在星期日上午3点左右。 The Priceville Police Department is seeking information about a burglary at Tucker's Guns & Ammo on Highway 67 that occurred around 3 a.m. Sunday. 两名嫌犯闯入 偷走了多件枪械 乘一辆黑色的SUV逃跑 Two suspects broke in, stole multiple firearms, and fled in a dark-colored SUV. 要求公众通过拨打256-355-5476或通过其脸书页面与警方联系任何线索。 The public is asked to contact the police with any leads by calling 256-355-5476 or through their Facebook page.