埃尔帕索警方寻求公众帮助,查明三名从汽车中偷走枪和步枪的人的身份。 El Paso police seek public help to identify three men who stole a gun and rifle from a car.
11月23日,El Paso警察局和 " 犯罪阻截者 " 寻求公众帮助,查明三名男子从西城公寓住宅区一辆汽车上偷走手枪和步枪。 The El Paso Police Department and Crime Stoppers seek public help to identify three men who stole a handgun and rifle from a vehicle at West Town Apartment Complex on November 23. 嫌犯身穿蒙面夹克,被摄像头抓获,企图闯入多部车辆。 The suspects, seen in hooded jackets, were caught on camera attempting to break into multiple vehicles. 警方认为同一三人在10月参与类似的入室盗窃案。 Police believe the same trio was involved in a similar burglary in October. 导致逮捕的匿名举报可以通过致电 566-8477 或在线提交信息来获得现金奖励。 An anonymous tip leading to an arrest can earn a cash reward by calling 566-8477 or submitting information online.