沙捞越警方逮捕了10人, 因为他们在公开举报后出售了137支假枪。 Police in Sarawak arrested 10 people for selling 137 fake guns after a public tip-off.
沙捞越警方从Kuching和Samarahan的五处玩具销售场所扣押了137件假火器,逮捕了10名当地人。 Police in Sarawak arrested 10 locals after seizing 137 fake firearms from five toy-selling premises in Kuching and Samarahan. 19至46岁的嫌疑人是在公开举报后成为目标的。 The suspects, aged 19 to 46, were targeted following a public tip-off. 当局也没收了塑料弹药。 Authorities also confiscated plastic ammunition. 该案正在根据1960年《武器法》进行调查,并计划不断监测假火器销售情况。 The case is being investigated under the Arms Act 1960, and ongoing monitoring of fake firearm sales is planned.