9名克什米尔人在马哈拉施特拉因拥有9支步枪和58个装有假执照的子弹而被捕。 Nine Kashmiris arrested in Maharashtra for possessing nine rifles and 58 cartridges with fake licenses.
9名克什米尔人在当地警察和军事情报局采取联合行动后,在Maharashtra被捕。 Nine Kashmiri individuals were arrested in Maharashtra after a joint operation by local police and Military Intelligence. 他们当时担任警卫,发现他们持有9支步枪和58个使用假许可证的实弹筒。 They were working as security guards and were found with nine rifles and 58 live cartridges using fake licenses. 据报,每张假许可证费用为5万卢比。 Each fake license reportedly cost Rs 50,000. 该案件是根据《武器法》登记的,调查继续进行。 The case was registered under the Arms Act, and the investigation continues.